Interactive Heat Map can give a detailed overview of election results, demographics, or voters by “mapping” color and size to attributes.

2018 primary election results for Michael Mcauliffe, Circuit Court Judge, Group 25

Choropleth maps encode similar information but the appearance is different, here’s an example of voter turnout increase from 2016 to 2018

Geo-tagging voters lets campaigns identify voting clusters which are helpful durning canvasing operations.

The colored matrix highlights the highest turnout polling locations. A birds eye view is beneficial to determine areas to focus on for canvasing and election day turnout.

The chart on the left is election day turnout for the primary for Circuit Court Judge, Group 25. It shows the busiest (highest turnout) polling places and the candidate performance per polling location.

Alluvial graphs show flows or “streams” of data. Visualize massive numbers of voters turnout split by age group.

To see an interactive version of an Alluvial graph follow this link

Web based walk lists make canvasing easier than ever. We break out lists by precinct, subdivision, block, or city. Lists include information specified by campaigns.

The walk lists are created on demand for specific areas based on campaign specifications. The lists include subdivision names, and owner information when possible.

More Interactive Examples

Below are more links to examples and interactive tools that can’t fit into the showcase.

note: some of these charts use large amounts of data and might take a couple of seconds to load on your computer. These shoud be viewed on a desktop for the full experience